SCSET 2022
Jan. 8-9 2022
Indianapolis, USA
The 2022 3rd International Seminar on Computer Science and Engineering Technology
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What's New
All papers of SCSET2022 have been indexed by Ei
SCSET2022 was successfully held online on January 9th, 2022.
All papers of SCSET2020 have been indexed by Ei.
All papers of SCSET2020 have been published by IOP Publishing (2020-01-08)
SCSET 2020 Was Held Successfully in Shanghai, China.(2020-11-01)
PPT: Few-shot Learning in Deep Networks for Aircraft Refueling Behavior Detection (2020-11-01)
All papers of SCSET 2018 have been indexed by CPCI-S (2019-07-12)
All papers of SCSET2018 have been indexed by Ei (2019-05-01)
All papers of SCSET2018 have been published by IOP Publishing (2019-03-26)
SCSET2018 Was Held Successfully in Shanghai, China (2018-12-19)
All accepted papers of SCSET2022 will be published by IEEE CPS.
Contact US
Conf. Secretary: Mr. Zhao
Tel: +86-13310186519
About Indianapolis
Question: What's the requirement of the paper format?
Answer: Please click on "
Paper Submission
" to download the template.
Question: What's the limit for page counts?
Answer: Normally we expect the paper at least 5 pages. If the paper exceeds 6 pages, the extra fee will be required.
Question: How many papers can be submitted by each account?
Answer: Each account could handle 6 papers at most.
Contact US
Secretary: Mr. Zhao Tel: +86-13310186519
Copyright © 2022 the 3rd International Seminar on Computer Science and Engineering Technology. All rights Reserved.